Peter Breen to Newsmax: Pro-Life Activist Victim of Biden Weaponization

Lauren Handy, the pro-life activist sentenced to almost five years in prison for protesting at a Washington, D.C., abortion clinic, is a victim of the Biden administration’s weaponization of the Department of Justice, Peter Breen, an attorney with the Thomas More Society, which represented her in the case, told Newsmax.

“In the wake of over 100 fire bombings and vandalism and incidents at pro-life churches and pregnancy centers, he’s instead going after peaceful pro-life advocates like Lauren Handy,” Breen said in an interview on Newsmax’s “Greg Kelly Reports” Thursday. 

Handy and the other protesters, he added, were “engaged in civil disobedience, which is something we have a long tradition of in America, peaceful civil disobedience.”

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