Category Archives: WBAP Newsroom Blog

Kristin Thrower 9/8/2016; Bet You Didn’t Know this Existed

Kristin Thrower 9/8/2016; Bet You Didn’t Know this Existed

I found something strange on one of my adventures around North Texas. Well, it was merely mysterious to me, but I learned it was a saving grace to many others. And I didn’t even know such things existed until now. While out one evening driving through the mid-cities area, looking at new neighborhoods being built…MORE

The truth about Swedish meatballs

Pardon my French, but what in H-E-double-hockey-sticks is wrong with recipe writers? Yesterday I had a craving for Swedish meatballs. So, I went to my favorite online recipe source for Alton Brown’s Swedish meatballs recipe. As always, I got sucked in by the relative simplicity of the recipe and the claim of convenience that it…MORE

Amy Chodroff 8/26: Preparing for Half an Empty Nest

My oldest daughter just started her senior year in high school.  I keep asking myself how this could be??!!  It seems like yesterday that she was three months old, jumping up and down on my lap with little springs in her legs. It’s hard to believe in less than a year, we will be packing…MORE

Eric Bushman 8-18-16; There Is Free Inspiration, Take Advantage

The Olympic athletes continue to amaze me. Every two years (Counting the Winter Olympics, obviously) we are treated to athleticism at its finest from swimming to a record number of gold medals or keeping the spirit up after failing to make it to finals. In between reports of that green diving well and what in…MORE

Alan Scaia 8/16: Strange Things Are Afoot in Baton Rouge

I’ve just returned from a few days in Baton Rouge to cover the flooding. I’ve talked to people who were wandering around outside their flooded neighborhood, waiting to go home to survey the damage. Several would remark that last month, three Baton Rouge officers were killed. An additional flood seemed like a bit much to them.…MORE