Category Archives: WBAP Newsroom Blog

Scott Sidway, 11/29/2016: An Untraditional Millennial Thanksgiving

Scott Sidway, 11/29/2016: An Untraditional Millennial Thanksgiving

For 29 years, every Thanksgiving I’ve ever had has probably been a lot like yours. You know, visit relatives, stuff your face, watch football, stuff your face again, fall asleep in the fourth quarter, refuse relatives’ requests to go line-up for Black Friday deals, find a way to stuff your face one more time, sleep…MORE

Nicole Osei, 11/22/16: The Benefits of Creating a Peaceful Environment

Nicole Osei, 11/22/16: The Benefits of Creating a Peaceful Environment

I have been meditating for the past seven years and most of the time its like clock work. I initially started meditating to calm down from work and basic life stress. I made it a point to turn my living space into a true sanctuary no matter what city I was living in. However, the…MORE

Marlee McCormick, 11/09/16: What’s In a Tweet?

Marlee McCormick, 11/09/16: What’s In a Tweet?

No doubt we are all breathing a sign of relief today…especially those of us in the news media (now we can start chasing new, un-election related stories!) But in the meantime…last night I was very focused on social media.  One because I was live tweeting election results for my job and two because I’m fascinated with…MORE

Dave Williams, 11/08/16: What would George say?

Dave Williams, 11/08/16: What would George say?

Today, finally, is election day and I will say no more about it.   Except this: For sixteen months we’ve been treated by the candidates, the media and our own friends to a daily avalanche of vicious insults and variously skilled manipulations of truth, maybe more than at any time in American history. This has been the…MORE

Eric Bushman 10/27/2016; Another Fair Down

Eric Bushman 10/27/2016; Another Fair Down

After too many Deep Fried Cuban Rolls, Jalapeno/Cheese Corny Dogs and watching my daughter scarf down a Deep Fried Brownie, I can say I’m “Faired Out” as the North Texas temporary term goes. Between the crowds, the lines and lovable Big Tex, I have become addicted to the annual event that draws Texans from every…MORE