Category Archives: WBAP Newsroom Blog

Alan Scaia: 4/21/15 It really is 1996, isn’t it?!?

This week, after WBAP’s poor judgment in sticking with me despite a ridiculously long amount of time, I returned to work. It feels amazing to return to my “normal life.” Except I can’t walk properly right now because I have what a friend accurately, I feel, described as a superhuman ability to grow bones and my hip bone…MORE

Rick Hadley: 4/20/15 He’s back!

It was a night I will never forget. Friday, December 5, 2014. Our overnight anchor Tom Clay called to inform me that one of our news department vehicles had been involved in a severe wreck in Wise Co. I knew that there was only one reporter driving a news car that night, so I called…MORE

Marlee McCormick 4/16/15 Starstruck

Ever been totally “starstruck” when meeting a celebrity? It’s happened to me a couple of times in my life. Once was about eight years ago when I met Rockstar Bret Michaels back stage at one of his concerts during the “Rock of Love” reality TV show phase….being in Radio can have it’s advantages at time…just…MORE

Kristin Thrower: 4/15/15 Something new

In my quest to chase after stories and be inspired by new ideas, I was introduced to a wonderful place over a recent warm Texas weekend. It was not at all obvious, there was no sign directing you to it, but it was there waiting for the lucky adventurer and it was beautiful. I call…MORE

Rick Hadley: 4/13/15 Criminals stink!

        I got touched by the long arm of the lawless again. I awoke the morning of my move from a rental house to a new home to find I had been the victim of a smash and grab. The driver side window of my truck was shattered and my recently-purchased aftermarket…MORE