Category Archives: WBAP Newsroom Blog

Matt Stoker: 5/13/15 Enough already with the storms

When I was growing up, I loved storms.  Especially bad ones.  There was something exhilarating about living in the country and watching one grow above the horizon until it eventually rolled in.  Of course, I didn’t enjoy the yard work that followed, but that was a minor inconvenience to the thrill of watching the storm…MORE

Doug Helton: 5/12/15 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The last time we talked I mentioned that spring is my favorite time of the year. A renewal for all kinds of things from trees to plants, everything turning green again. But with that also comes spring storms. In the radio news business it’s something we keep constant eye on and when flooding or tornadoes…MORE

Rick Hadley: 5/11/15 Terror vs. Freedom

Did you ever imagine it would come to this? Terrorism right here in our own back yard. Welcome back to the dark ages where it’s repent or die and you still will likely die for all the things you did or didn’t do or the things the accuser believes you did or didn’t do correctly.…MORE

Marna Davis: 5/8/15 Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day holds a special meaning when your mom has passed away. My mother got a brain tumor when I was a sophomore in college, and passed away when I was a senior. I commuted for five hours a day between my hometown of San Diego and Los Angeles, where I went to college to…MORE

Marlee McCormick: 5/7/15 Royal Geek

Ok, I admit it I’m a geek when it comes to the Royals, fascinated by the monarchy as if they were rock stars. They also hold the key to one of the biggest mystery’s of life…what the heck does Queen Elizabeth carry in that purse?? She’s always got one, but what could she possibly need…an…MORE