Category Archives: WBAP Newsroom Blog

Eric Bushman: 6/3/15 The Inconvenient Remake of Victory Park

Good things come to those who wait. Someone said that once and it caught on but perhaps at the age of 31 I have yet to buy into that. Waiting isn’t fun. Not even when it is for Godot. For three years now I have come and gone from the WBAP/KLIF studios which are located…MORE

Alan Scaia: 6/2/15 The Most Awkward Reunions of My Life

I’m sorry for being so verbose about this car crash, but it’s been a main theme in my life lately. I know all of you have expectations about what appears in this space. This time of year, for instance, I would normally be blogging about my dislike for lawn care. But I’d like to start by…MORE

Rick Hadley: 6/1/15 It’s been a wet one.

I don’t have to say it. We’re all aware of it. This has a wet May for the record books. Texas went from being in a years upon years drought to being out of it in a matter of weeks. That’s Texas for you. One extreme to the other. Since May first we have seen…MORE

Matt Stoker: 5/27/15 Wasp Season

Summer to me means wasps. It’s wasp season. I haven’t seen any building nests around my house just yet, but they’re coming. If there’s one thing I’m truly afraid of, it’s bees and wasps. I suppose I’m afraid of many things, but those are near the top of the list. I’m not allergic as far…MORE

Nichole Deal: 5/26/15 Celebrate a Texas teacher

As we approach the end of the academic school year, I find myself thinking about the educators and teachers that have warmed my daughter’s life as well as the lives of many other children.  This time of year is bitter sweet.  All the fuss over the report cards, cleaning out those lockers and book bags…MORE