Category Archives: WBAP Newsroom Blog

Marlee McCormick: 6/26/15 I’m on vacation!

Have you ever gone on vacation and then felt like you needed a vacation? When did vacations become so much work? Earlier this month my family and I took a trip to New York City.  It was a combination graduation present for my daughter Casey, who loves musical theater and wanted to see Broadway, and…MORE

Kristin Thrower: 6/23/15 Overcoming a vacation setback

The Black Mark on an Otherwise Blissful Vacation That Took Place at Terminus – yes, from The Walking Dead I haven’t taken a real vacation in 4 years, so you can imagine the supreme delight of a week away from home and work that finally came. I scheduled the week of my birthday off (nope…MORE

Freda Ross: 6/23/15 The elephant in the room

I guess it’s time for me to address the big white elephant in the room. Race, racism, hatred and hurt. I intentionally avoid topics like this for a couple of reasons. One, because I’m in the media and two because I don’t believe my 2 cents are really going to change someone’s opinion, but here…MORE

Rick Hadley: 6/22/15 The death of customer service

I grew up with parents who owned a small business. I spent a lot of time in that plumbing shop that my brother now owns. There were summers where I went out on the truck with the plumbers helping dig ditches and putting in sinks and faucets and unstop sewers. Other days I worked in…MORE

Amy Chodroff: 6/19/15 Brian Williams attempts rebuilding his reputation

By now you’ve probably heard that Brian Williams will be returning to NBC news. He has spent the last several months suspended without pay after embellishing the truth about stories he reported on. While he won’t be returning to the anchor chair at NBC Nightly News, he will be returning to the network. He’ll now…MORE