Category Archives: WBAP Newsroom Blog

Kristin Thrower 2/11/16; Tornado Damage and Me

If you’ve ever been victim to a disaster, natural or otherwise, you know that the word “recovery” is easy to say, but much more difficult to get through. A tornado hit my life – literally and figuratively. An actual tornado hit my actual house, and in more abstract parts of my life, everything else is…MORE

Robbie Hoy 2/3/16; Cutting the Cord (or cable in this case)

Robbie Hoy 2/3/16; Cutting the Cord (or cable in this case)

I haven’t had cable in several months, it’s way too expensive.  I miss it sometimes, but I don’t feel like I’m missing out on much.  There are times when I really wish I had cable, like on Sundays when I can’t watch football, or if my beloved Chicago Cubs are playing a network baseball game. …MORE

Those are the Bengals I Know

Some of you know that I’m from Ohio. I do not apologize for that. But it may help explain why I follow the Cincinnati Bengals. I don’t love the Bengals. I actually grew up a Giants fan (my family moved to Ohio from the Northeast). I started to follow them after I moved away for…MORE