Category Archives: WBAP Newsroom Blog

Freda Ross 7/7/16; It’s Not a Plastic Bag Debate

I don’t really consider myself an environmentalist. I participate when my city holds its biannual recycling day and I will shred and recycle papers if it’s convenient. But recently I’ve started taking my left over plastic bags to the grocery story for recycling. I think we all wonder sometimes “is there something I can do…MORE

Learning to Love Skynet

Learning to Love Skynet

You may know one.  You may even be one yourself.  I kinda-sorta used to be one…well, borderline, anyway.  I’m talking about Luddites, those folks who despise technology almost to the point of throwing their cellphones (they wouldn’t be caught dead with a smartphone) out the window in anger and disgust.  The name goes back to…MORE

Kristin Thrower 6/23/16; Help Me Fill the House

Kristin Thrower 6/23/16; Help Me Fill the House

I’ve given several speeches in my journalism education and career, but none that have lasted 30 minutes or longer. But, if anyone wants to witness this first, while learning how to stay safe in the face of disaster, come out to Rowlett next month. I will be heading up a talk on weather preparedness in…MORE

Amy Chodroff 06/09/2016; Loosening the Grip!

Amy Chodroff 06/09/2016; Loosening the Grip!

My older daughter is 17 years old today. How can that be? After all, I’m still trying to lose the baby weight I gained when I was pregnant with her. We already survived the driving thing, and now we about to dive head first into the whole college application process. I should be an expert…MORE

Freda Ross 5/27/16; It’s Just a Card

I took an unexpected trip down memory lane this week. I was sorting through boxes in my garage and found pictures of old boyfriends and greeting cards from family, college friends and my ex-husband. It’s amazing how finding things that were once special take you back in time. Unfortunately because of technology people don’t really send/give…MORE