Category Archives: WBAP Newsroom Blog

Kristin Thrower; 8.2.16 Reconnecting to Me

Growing up, when I would leave the house, my mother said something very different to me than the typical “Be careful” or “Stay safe.” She would tell me, “Remember who you are.” I never took the remark very seriously, but I never had to until now. I have been in a state of forgetfulness recently…MORE

Turning Off The Microphone Switch

Turning Off The Microphone Switch

After more than four decades of keeping people informed it’s time for me to call it quits…at least on a full time basis. For the past three years I’ve called WBAP and KLIF home. Worked with some very talented people but getting up every morning at one a-m to prepare the news stories you hear…MORE

Marlee McCormick 7/14/16; Pokémon What?

Marlee McCormick 7/14/16; Pokémon What?

What the heck is Pokemon Go and why is everybody playing it? The other day I noticed a tweet from my 19 year old daughter Casey who’s off at college for summer school “It’s 1am & I’m running around the lake trying to catch Pokemon”. My first thought was she better be at class the…MORE

Freda Ross 7/7/16; It’s Not a Plastic Bag Debate

I don’t really consider myself an environmentalist. I participate when my city holds its biannual recycling day and I will shred and recycle papers if it’s convenient. But recently I’ve started taking my left over plastic bags to the grocery story for recycling. I think we all wonder sometimes “is there something I can do…MORE