Category Archives: WBAP News Team

Former Debate Moderator: It is More than Just a List of Questions

(WBAP/KLIF) – More is involved than just the two major party candidates preparing for Monday’s presidential debate. The debate moderator has plenty of work to do as well. That from the man who has moderated more presidential debates than any other journalist. Former moderator and PBS news anchor Jim Lehrer said his preparation included more…MORE

Marna Davis

Marna Davis has more than 15 years of radio news and sports experience. Her career began at KUHL in Santa Barbara, California where she co-hosted the morning show and came back in the afternoon to hoMORE

Doug Helton

For the past four decades Doug Helton has been delivering radio news to Texans. As an anchor on national, state and local stations he's gained the respect of listeners for his straightforwar…MORE