Category Archives: Top Stories

Multiple Dead; Missing – Tornado Damage North of DFW Metroplex

Multiple Dead; Missing – Tornado Damage North of DFW Metroplex

FORT WORTH – (WBAP/KLIF) – At least five people are reported killed in a tornado or more than one tornado that tore through the Sanger/Valley View area Saturday night. Damage is reported in Cooke and Denton counties. More victims are likely, according to officials, who responded to calls for help when a travel center on…MORE

Former President Trump at the Dallas NRA Convention Saturday Afternoon

Former President Trump at the Dallas NRA Convention Saturday Afternoon

DALLAS – (WBAP/KLIF) – Former President Donald Trump is due to speak to the National Rifle Association conference attendees at 2 pm today/Saturday In response, the Democratic National Committee has placed mobile billboards in Dallas outside of the venue, the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center. The billboards accuse Trump of putting the gun lobby ahead…MORE

Biden; Trump Agree To Debate

Biden; Trump Agree To Debate

ATLANTA – (WBAP/KLIF) It’s on! President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump both agree to debate the issues at CNN studios on June 27th. This news, a big development in a fast-rising back and forth barb exchanging between the presidential candidates concerning whether they would – and where they would debate. But earlier, Biden’s…MORE

Austin, Texas: Fentanyl Found in Marijuana.

Austin, Texas: Fentanyl Found in Marijuana.

This much fentanyl will kill a human. By Kimberly James; WBAP and KLIF News, Dallas, Texas. EXCLUSIVE TO WBAP/KLIF NEWS, DALLAS. AUSTIN – (WBAP/KLIF) – Austin Police report initial testing of substances seized during initial investigation and arrests in connection with its “overdose week” finds deadly fentanyl in marijuana. Further, more intensive testing is being…MORE