Category Archives: Blog – 24/7 Newsroom

Freda Ross 1/10/17; Buy Yourself Something Pretty

Freda Ross 1/10/17; Buy Yourself Something Pretty

We just finished the holiday season. A time to show your loved ones how you feel by sharing a gift, like the Wise Men brought gifts to Baby Jesus. I asked my Facebook friends what they bought themselves for Christmas. Many of them said “nothing.” Not surprising to me most of the “nothings” came from…MORE

Nicole Osei, 12/29/16: Learning to Relax More in 2017

Nicole Osei, 12/29/16: Learning to Relax More in 2017

2016 was a difficult year. I watched someone very special to me lose a hard-fought battle with cancer at the beginning of the year. What helped me get through it was to remember to take in life’s beautiful moments. It’s something that I have always done but it seemed to resonate with me more this…MORE

Eric Bushman, 12/06/2016; An Early Merry Christmas

Eric Bushman, 12/06/2016; An Early Merry Christmas

Growing up in the Midwest, Christmas was something my family launched into at full speed. Then that seemed to slow a bit the older I got. Present Day, my Christmas comes in the middle of the month. Traveling back to the Kansas City area to see my family, exchanging gifts, then it’s back home to…MORE

Marlee McCormick, 11/09/16: What’s In a Tweet?

Marlee McCormick, 11/09/16: What’s In a Tweet?

No doubt we are all breathing a sign of relief today…especially those of us in the news media (now we can start chasing new, un-election related stories!) But in the meantime…last night I was very focused on social media.  One because I was live tweeting election results for my job and two because I’m fascinated with…MORE