Category Archives: National News

Another Tarrant County Jail Inmate Dies In Custody This Week

Another Tarrant County Jail Inmate Dies In Custody This Week

By Kimberly James; WBAP and KLIF News, Dallas, Texas. Tarrant County officials report the death of a female inmate Monday, May 27th, while held in the Tarrant County Jail. Officials do not identify the inmate who they report was held at that facility since May 16th of this year. Officials say detention officers found the…MORE

Late May Severe Storms with Updated Information

Late May Severe Storms with Updated Information

Damage to building at 10,700 Harry Hines, at Manana Street, Dallas, Tuesday morning 05/28 UPDATE: 06/02/2024 8:08 AM – Oncor now reports nearly 1500 outages in it’s North Texas service area. UPDATE: 05/30/2024; 6:45 PM – Oncor has outages down to 10,994 in the service area. More chunks of power resumption to customers is expected…MORE

Former President Trump at the Dallas NRA Convention Saturday Afternoon

Former President Trump at the Dallas NRA Convention Saturday Afternoon

DALLAS – (WBAP/KLIF) – Former President Donald Trump is due to speak to the National Rifle Association conference attendees at 2 pm today/Saturday In response, the Democratic National Committee has placed mobile billboards in Dallas outside of the venue, the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center. The billboards accuse Trump of putting the gun lobby ahead…MORE

Biden; Trump Agree To Debate

Biden; Trump Agree To Debate

ATLANTA – (WBAP/KLIF) It’s on! President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump both agree to debate the issues at CNN studios on June 27th. This news, a big development in a fast-rising back and forth barb exchanging between the presidential candidates concerning whether they would – and where they would debate. But earlier, Biden’s…MORE