Category Archives: KLIF News & Information In The Morning

Texas Republicans Pick New Party Chair

Texas Republicans Pick New Party Chair

Houston, (WBAP/KLIF) – Working into the early morning hours Monday, delegates to the Texas Republican Party’s convention in Houston elected Allen West their new party chair, replacing James Dickey. West is a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel. He served one term in congress as a representative of south Florida. Then moved to north Texas in…MORE

COVID-19 Continues to Hammer Texas

COVID-19 Continues to Hammer Texas

Austin (WBAP/KLIF) – The state of Texas reported 7,300 new coronavirus cases Sunday. That brings the state’s reported total to more than 325,000 since it began tracking cases in March. The state also reported 223 new deaths, for a total of a few less than 4,000. Dallas County reported 1,044 new cases; a total of…MORE

Federal Felony Charges Against Former Blue Bell CEO Dropped

Federal Felony Charges Against Former Blue Bell CEO Dropped

  Austin (AP) – A judge has dismissed federal felony charges against the former CEO of a Texas ice cream company in a case arising from a 2015 listeria outbreak that killed three people. U.S. District Judge Robert Pitman of Austin dropped the case against former Blue Bell Creameries CEO Paul Kruse because prosecutors did…MORE

Texas Coronavirus Cases Include More Than 80 Infants

Texas Coronavirus Cases Include More Than 80 Infants

Austin (AP) – A health official on the Texas Gulf Coast says 85 infants have tested positive for the coronavirus. Corpus Christi Nueces County Public Health Director Annette Rodriguez said during a public health update that the 85 infants are each younger than 1, but offered no details. Texas health officials have reported more than…MORE

New Coronavirus Testing Program in Tarrant County

New Coronavirus Testing Program in Tarrant County

Fort Worth (WBAP/KLIF) – Registration is now underway in Tarrant County for a pilot program that tests for COVID-19 through saliva. The tests are scheduled to begin Tuesday. The tests will be by appointment only, and at first will be limited to no more than 300 a day. Public health officials say it’s actually a…MORE