Category Archives: KLIF News & Information In The Morning

COVID-19 Death Toll Nears 10,000

COVID-19 Death Toll Nears 10,000

Austin (AP) – The death toll in Texas from the coronavirus inched nearer to 10,000 over the weekend, with 238 deaths reported on Saturday bringing the total to 9,840. The Texas Department of State Health Services said the number of reported cases increased by 8,245 to 528,838. The true number of cases is likely higher…MORE

Texas Has The Tests: Needs Test-Takers

Texas Has The Tests: Needs Test-Takers

Austin (AP) – Texas leaders who grappled with coronavirus testing shortages for much of the pandemic are now facing the opposite problem: not enough takers. The number of coronavirus tests being done each day in Texas has dropped by the thousands in August, mirroring nationwide trends. The drop comes even as the number of deaths…MORE

Stripper Going To Prison For 16 Years

Stripper Going To Prison For 16 Years

Texarkana (AP) – A federal judge in Texas has sentenced a former male stripper to more than 16 years in prison on charges linked to having a shank in jail, and threatening to have a white supremacist gang kill a witness. A federal jury acquitted Collin Hayden of gun and drug charges in March, but…MORE

Docs Tell Police Less Lethal Ammo Is Dangerous

Docs Tell Police Less Lethal Ammo Is Dangerous

Austin (AP) – A group of doctors in Austin is warning police not to use so-called “less lethal” munitions for crowd control after they treated people who were severely hurt during protests in May. In a letter published Friday in the New England Journal of Medicine, 12 doctors from the Dell Seton Medical Center at…MORE

COVID-19 Is Now Almost Everywhere In Texas

COVID-19 Is Now Almost Everywhere In Texas

Austin (AP) – Despite a slow but steady shrinkage in the number of confirmed coronavirus cases reported by Texas health officials, the virus is still spreading geographically. State officials say a Sterling County resident was reported Thursday as testing positive for the virus that causes COVID-19. That made the sparsely populated West Texas county near…MORE