Category Archives: KLIF News & Information In The Morning

Six Injured When Boat Burns At Lake Weatherford

Six Injured When Boat Burns At Lake Weatherford

Weatherford (WBAP/KLIF) – Six people were injured Saturday afternoon when a boat caught fire on Lake Weatherford. Four of the injured were badly burned, and had to be airlifted to hospitals. The remaining two were transported by ground ambulance. The boat sank, and The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is trying to recover it. The…MORE

The COVID-19 Numbers Keep Rising

The COVID-19 Numbers Keep Rising

Austin (AP) – Texas has reported 4,732 new confirmed cases of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, and 154 new deaths from the illness. The Texas Department of State Health Services says the new coronavirus cases pushed the overall number of cases for the six-month Texas outbreak to at least 606,530. Of those, the state says…MORE

The Trump Administration Has Held Hundreds Of Immigrant Children In Hotels

The Trump Administration Has Held Hundreds Of Immigrant Children In Hotels

Houston (AP) – New data shows the U.S. government has detained children at several major hotel chains during the coronavirus pandemic instead of transferring them to government-funded shelters. The figures released Friday show that since March, the Trump administration has used hotels to hold at least 660 children, most unaccompanied by a parent, before expelling…MORE

Hurricane Laura Killed Four People In Texas

Hurricane Laura Killed Four People In Texas

Hemphill, Texas (AP) – Texas recorded four deaths Friday linked to Hurricane Laura, which roared ashore along the Louisiana border the day before. Sabine County Emergency Management Coordinator Kerwin Lloyd identified the first death as David Murrell, 54, in East Texas. Murrell died Thursday when a tree fell on his mobile home Hemphill. Officials in…MORE

Missing Soldier Was Part Of A Sexual Abuse Investigation

Missing Soldier Was Part Of A Sexual Abuse Investigation

Killeen (AP) – Officials say a soldier who has gone missing from Fort Hood in central Texas has been involved in an open investigation of abusive sexual contact. Sgt. Elder Fernandes was reported missing on Wednesday. Killeen police say the 23 year old Fernandes hasn’t been seen since Monday when his staff sergeant dropped him…MORE