Ft. Worth Expands Nature Center

Fort Worth (WBAP/KLIF News) – The City of Fort Worth has opened an expansion to its Nature Center and Refuge. The refuge covers 3,600 acres near Eagle Mountain Lake.

The Nature Center has added a boardwalk to let visitors walk over wetlands to get closer looks at birds and alligators.

“The way I like to phrase it is the nature center gives you everything this part of Texas is supposed to give you,” says Rob Denkhaus, the director of the center. “It’s not exactly the same as it was 150 years ago, but it’s pretty doggone close.”

The boardwalk cost $1.4 million. The city hopes to expand the boardwalk, at a likely cost of another $1 million.

“This is a rural setting, absolutely a rustic approach to nature,” says City Councilman Dennis Shingleton. “That’s what’s unique. There aren’t many cities in the country that have this capability.”

The Nature Center drew more than 50,000 visitors last year.

“It’s that word of mouth, that conviction from me to you, from you to your neighbor, that’s how we get people out here,” Shingleton says.

The Nature Center also has a herd of buffalo and 20 miles of hiking trails.

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