Former Debate Moderator: It is More than Just a List of Questions

(WBAP/KLIF) – More is involved than just the two major party candidates preparing for Monday’s presidential debate. The debate moderator has plenty of work to do as well.

That from the man who has moderated more presidential debates than any other journalist.

Former moderator and PBS news anchor Jim Lehrer said his preparation included more than just a list of questions for the candidates.

“It’s less aimed at writing specific questions than it is to be comfortable enough with the facts and the background,” said Lehrer. He says the moderator needs to know the candidates’ standing on the issues and other positions.

Lehrer was in Dallas last week to participate in a forum hosted by the George W. Bush Presidential Center.

This will be the first presidential election cycle since 1988 Lehrer will not be a moderator.

Lehrer is now a member on the Commission of Presidential Debates.
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