Will Ruling on California’s Concealed Carry Law Affect Texas?


Austin (WBAP/KLIF News) – How, if at all, will last week’s ruling by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, in California, affect our concealed carry law here in Texas?

Alice Tripp with the Texas State Rifle Association says not much right away, but if the balance of the Supreme Court shifts, all bets are off.

“If you want to see what a liberal court ruling looks like, which could be our US Supreme Court, this is it,” said Tripp.  “This is every gun owner’s nightmare.”

The 9th Circuit ruled there is no inherent right to carry a concealed weapon, so California can decide how, or if at all, they’ll issue concealed carry permits.

On the other hand, Texas is a “shall issue” state, meaning unless there’s some reason not to, concealed carry permits “shall” be issued to those who apply for them.

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