Amy Chodroff: 2/12/15 You’re hired. You’re fired!

This week, Dave Williams and I told the story of a Mansfield teenager by the name of Cella.  She managed to get herself fired from her first job, even before she started.

It began with a twitter post, which she probably thought was harmless.  It read, “Ew I start this f*** a** job tomorrow.”  Word got out and eventually her new boss, at Jet's Pizza got wind of the twitter message.  Robert Waple tweeted back, “@cella_ you don't start that FA job today!  I just fired you!  Good luck with your no money, no job life!”  He later tweeted, “Made my point today.  I'll check in again in 6 years.”

I just want to say I support Robert Waple in this situation!  You did the right thing!  I know we all complain about the work ethic of kids today, but this is one example of a kid who just doesn't get it.  Mr. Waple obviously thought enough of Cella to give her a job and she basically gave him a big slap in the face and more.  Shouldn't she be excited to start a new job and earn some money of her own?  Why did she even apply for the job in the first place if she didn't want it???  There are dozens of teens out there who would welcome the job opportunity and not complain about it for one minute.  When I was a kid I couldn't wait to start my first new job, so I could have some spending money of my own!

As for posting such a negative message on twitter that went viral, Cella clearly wasn't thinking.  This message will live on forever on the internet.  It will haunt her when she applies to colleges and when she applies for future jobs.    Teenagers today really need to think before they tweet.  Will this message affect my future?  I tell my kids all the time they have to be very careful what they post online and it's not just teens who need to heed that advice.  Adults need to watch what they post as well.  How many times have we done stories on famous people who tweet an inappropriate message?

While technology is a wonderful thing, it's also something we all need to be careful with.  One wrong tweet could change your life forever, and it may not be for the best.

Amy Chodroff

In addition to her reports heard on WBAP News, Amy co-hosts News/Information in the Morning on KLIF 570 AM.