AAA Predicts 115 Million to Travel By Road, Sky and Sea Over the Holidays

NORTH TEXAS (WBAP/KLIF News ) – AAA has a warning for holiday travelers this year…be prepared for long lines and possible delays.

The nonprofit said 115 million people are expected to travel 50 miles or more from home this year, the second busiest season since 2000.

The travel period from December 23 to New Year’s Day is expected to break records at airports.

More 7.5 million people are expected to fly, 104 million said they’ll hit the roads and another four million are expected to travel by bus, train or on a cruise ship.

Families taking road trips increased 1.8% compared to last year. However, this year’s projected numbers are the second highest on record since 2019, when 108 million drivers hit the road for the holidays.

INRIX, a provider of transportation data and insights, predicts Saturday, December 23 and Thursday, December 28 to be the busiest days on the roads.

However, there’s good news for drivers as gas prices are slightly lower than last Christmas.

According to a AAA survey, families saved up over the year to plan their holiday getaways.

Click here to read the full AAA Travel Report.

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