Pleasant Grove: One Dead, 3 Injured in Shooting Between to Vehicles; Suspects At-large

(WFAA screenshot)

Dallas (WBAP/KLIF) – On Mother’s Day Sunday two grief-stricken sisters found themselves raising money for their mother’s funeral.

Dallas police say 39-year old Ana Moreno was killed and three other injured in Pleasant Grove Saturday when still unknown suspects in two cars were shooting at each other on North Masters Drive near Bruton Road. Moreno was taking her daugher Amy to pick up her prom dress for her prom later that night.

Sister and daughter Michelle Rodriguez, 17, tearfully told our media partner WFAA-TV that her mom didn’t deserve anything that happened to her. “It wasn’t her time, it wasn’t supposed to be her and it hurts because if it was over something stupid.”

Moreno’s daughters and family gathered for a vigil and balloon release on Sunday.

To help with funeral costs for Ana Morena visit GoFundme.
No one has been arrested in connection with the shooting. Anyone with information about the shooting is asked to call the Dallas Police Department Detective Frank Serra by calling 214-671-4320 or emailing [email protected] with information about this shooting is encouraged to contact Detective Frank Serra by calling 214-671-4320 or emailing [email protected].

(Copyright 2023 WBAP/KLIF 24/7 News. This report contains material from WFAA-TV.)