Governor Abbott Announces Deterrents at the Southern Border

WESLACO (WBAP/KLIF) – Texas Governor Greg Abbott, on Wednesday, made the first of a series of announcement on the state’s border security efforts in light of the Biden Administration’s elimination of Title 42 in late May.

The public health policy allowed the U.S. to directly expel migrants during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In an attempt to slow the potential surge of migrants, the Governor announced a zero-tolerance policy for unsafe vehicles crossing the border.

“Effective immediately, the Texas Department of Public Safety will conduct enhanced safety inspections of vehicles as they cross the international ports of entry into Texas,” Governor Abbott said.

According to the Governor, unsafe commercial trucks are often used to smuggle drugs and humans.

The Governor also announced a plan to contract buses to transport migrants to Washington D.C.

“We are sending them to the United States Capitol where the Biden administration will be able to more immediately address the needs of the people that they are allowing to come across out border,” Governor Abbott said.

The Governor acknowledged that his plan to bus the migrants will be voluntary and will only happen after they have been processed and released by the Department of Homeland Security.

Abbott also announced that the Texas National Guard will begin its first phase of mass migration rehearsals rehearsals this week to address the expected migrant surge this summer.

Texas will also provide boat blockades in the Rio Grande River, and deploying razor wire in high traffic areas.

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