Jesuit College Prep School in Dallas Settles Lawsuit Alleging Priest Sex Abuse


DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF)- A lawsuit alleging priests at Jesuit College Preparatory School Dallas sexually abused students has been settled.

In 2018 nine Dallas area men brought a lawsuit against the school, claiming they were sexually abused over 35 years ago when attending the school.
Jesuit Dallas President Mike Earsing stood behind the victims writing to the local Jesuit community “while none of us wanted to believe that any of the priests at our school could inflict such heinous injury, the fact is, a few did.”

When the news broke 4 years ago, the school released and published the names of 11 priests accused of sexually abusing minors on its website.
Moving forward, the school has pledged to take steps toward preventing further abuse, this includes updating its staff training and screening policies.