An El Paso County Judged Sued by Texas AG

(WBAP/KLIF) — An El Paso judge is locking horns with the Texas governor over pandemic shut-down powers.  Judge Ricardo Samaniego ordered all El Paso county non-essential businesses to shut down for a two week period. In addition,

Samaniego enacted a shelter in place order and banned resident gatherings and all non-essential travel.  He also banned citizens from in-person dining, gyms and salons.
Attorney General Ken Paxton has joined a lawsuit against the El Paso judge stating that Samaniego is in direct violation of Governor Greg Abbott’s executive order and has no authority to impose a shut-down.

Paxton also sent a letter to the Democratic judge stating his order is unenforceable and should be amended (El Paso County Letter 2020-10-29). The attorney general joined El Paso businesses in a lawsuit.

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