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Dallas County Judge Speaks on COVID-19 and New Task force

DALLAS COUNTY (WBAP/KLIF NEWS)- In a press conference on Thursday Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins spoke about the current fight against COVID-19 while also announcing a new task force dedicated to solving policing issues.

The task force, which will be made up of community activist, pastors, city managers, and multiple city police chiefs, will  be focused on new directions for public safety and positive community change.

“Now is the time for us to work together to radically policing to build a more perfect union where not every black parent has to have a talk with their pre-teen child about how to survive a routine police interaction,” said Jenkins.

The community will be responsible for 50% of the vote on recommendations made by the task force.

Jenkins spoke about the county’s fight against COVID-19. He called onto Governor Greg Abbott and the government to take another look at the open Texas plan. He’s asked the governor to take some of what are currently recommendations, such as social distancing in the work place and wearing face coverings, and make the requirements.

“I’m asking that they look at things like bars I mean folks do we really need to go to a bar right now given the situation that we’re in,” he said.

Jenkins touched on testing as North Texas continues to see record breaking case numbers. The state has begun asking the federal government for more testing resources and Jenkins says they cant afford to lose any.

“In the face of what has become a second wave of COVID we just cannot afford to lose any of our testing assets,” he said.

Regardless on if the state gains funding or not Jenkins announced three new walk-up testing sights. One at the Red Bird Mall, one at the Inspired Vision Church, and one at Sam Tasby Middle School. The testing center located at the American Airlines Center will also be relocated to the University of Dallas campus in Irving.