Dallas-Fort Worth (WBAP/KLIF) – Fort Worth officials have announced a new process for hiring a much talked about police monitor.
The city plans to form 3 interview groups; one made up of city managers; another of city workers including police, and one comprised of community members that will help pick the person who will eventually oversee a Citizen’s Review Board (CRB).
Based on input from the groups City Manager David Cooke will make the final decision.
The civilian police monitor will study the best practices of CRBs before one is formed according to Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price. The mayor told WFAA-TV, the formation “will be a while.”
The issue was discussed at Tuesday’s Fort Worth City Council work session.
Meantime in Dallas, the 2nd meeting of a the Community Police Oversight Board was held Tuesday.
This weeks #Dallas Police Oversight Board meeting started with public comment. A line of people voicing their concerns and some support for the board. After comment, people have the opportunity to file complaints. @WBAP247NEWS @570KLIF pic.twitter.com/CdUmDeP4zB
— Katrina Boonzaier (@katrinaboonz) November 13, 2019
During the meeting, family members of a woman who died in police custody in 2018 demanded justice at the Dallas police oversight board meeting Tuesday night
Diamond Ross’ family says Ross would have still been alive if police would’ve given her the water and help she asked for.
Dominique Alexander with Next Generation Action Network also spoke about the department’s insensitive actions to release videos of Ross before she died, without showing the family first.
(Copyright 2019 WBAP/KLIF 24/7 News)