Dallas (WBAP/KLIF)- The Learning Express Bookstore launches a book and supply drive to help Walnut Hill Elementary School in Dallas after it took a hit from an EF-3 tornado over a week ago. “We are going to do our best to get as many books back into the school as we can…they haven’t even been able to get into their school as of yet so they have nothing,” said Learning Express Owner Katherine Cook.
Cook said three of her employees have children who go to Walnut Hill Elementary so she wanted to do something to help in any way she could. “We are hoping to get their library well stocked.. We’ve had a tremendous response…people have been really giving,” she said.
They are asking for books and some supplies like crayons, markers and construction paper. Those who donate will receive 25% off the purchase of a new book.
You can drop off your items at the store located on 4500 Lovers Lane between the Dallas North Tollway and Douglas Avenue. They will be hosting the drive until Thanksgiving but Cook said they will continue to do it if there is still a need.
Dallas ISD Superintendent Michael Hinojosa said Walnut Hill is a total loss and students have been relocated to Tom Field Elementary likely until the end of the school year.