Denton County Encouraging Women to Take Part in Free Self Defense Course

Photo courtesy of Denton County Sheriff’s Office Facebook

DENTON (WBAP/KLIF News) – The Denton County Sheriff’s Office is teaching North Texas women how to protect themselves from attackers.

The department’s Captain Orlando Hinojosa said the free class called “The Women’s Empowerment Program” will teach students about self defense from a two-fold perspective…the mental and physical aspects.

“The first hour is in the classroom. The second hour and half or two hours you’ll hit bags, you’ll learn strikes, you’ll learn how to get away. It’s about survival and you’ll learn how to take care of yourself,” he said.

The program’s inception was born in 2017 in part because the department saw an increase in family violence. Hinajosa said women who are domestic violence survivors that have graduated the program often come back to help teach.

“To help empower other ladies that are going through the same deal in their lives. They don’t feel comfortable talking about it and once they get that self confidence and are able to speak to other women about their life.. it’s like a light shines upon them and they say ‘man I can do this…I can take care of myself…I am not going to become a victim’,” he said.

According to Social Solutions, more than ten million women and men in the united states are subjected to domestic violence every year. According to RAINN, millions of american women have been a victim of rape and ninety percent of adult rape victims are women.

Sexual assault is never the victim’s fault and the course wants students to know it’s never to early to learn things they can do to protect themselves. Hinajosa said that’s why people ages fifteen years old and up are invited to attend.

“There’s guys out there that will spike their drinks in order to do what they want to to them. So they’ve got to be aware that ‘I am able to take care of myself no matter where I am at’…in school, at a party…away from home,” he said.

The four-part course on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m and registration is required. It’s offered once a month.

For more information, call The Denton County Sheriff’s Office at  940-349-1515.

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