Controversial Push to Remove Tarrant County Muslim Leader, Gets State-Wide Attention

Provided by Tarrant GOP

TARRANT COUNTY (WBAP/KLIF0- Some members of the Tarrant County Republican party are asking to remove Vice Chairman Shahid Shafi because he’s a Muslim.

Tarrant County GOP’s Chairman Darl Easton appointed Shafi because of his qualities as a leader and said religion has nothing to do with that. “They’ve sent me text messages, emails about rescinding his nomination, I’m not doing that I’m sticking my ground on this one,” Easton said. Those wanting Shafi out say his practices could be related to Islamic Terrorists groups but others say religion is not a reason to remove someone from office.

This controversial push to remove Shafi has gotten state-wide attention.

Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush tweeted to stop Tarrant County from removing a hard working man based on his religious beliefs. “We must work towards a more inclusive republican party if we are to keep Texas red,” Bush said. The State Republican Committee also sent a resolution that supports Shafi and non-discrimination. A vote on his removal is scheduled for January.