Authorities said the shooter, Devin Kelly, had sent threatening text messages prior to Sunday’s shooting.
The Wilson County Sheriff’s Office said Kelly’s mother-in-law was a member of Sutherland Springs Baptist Church but wasn’t in attendance during the shooting. However, Kelly’s grandmother-in-law was one of the victims.
Sheriff Joe Tackitt said Kelly entered the church dressed in tactical gear and started firing.
He said the scene was horrific.
“All I can say is that it was terrible. It’s unbelievable to see children, men, women laying there. Defenseless people. It’s just something you don’t want to see,” said Tackitt.
One family lost eight people in the shooting, with the victims ranging in age from 17 months to 77 years old.
Tackitt said the murders have shattered a sense of safety within the tight-knit community.
“We all say it’s not going to happen around us but it did. So it can happen anywhere. I hope it never happens at any church or venue of any kind,” he said.
Immediately after the shooting, Kelly was chased out of the church by a community member with a gun and was found dead miles down the road.
Authorities confirmed that Kelly suffered multiple gunshot wounds, including from the man who defended the church. They said one of his wounds may have been self-inflicted.
South Texans have been rallying around the community, which is located just east of San Antonio.
Flowers are being brought in from neighboring towns and monetary donations are coming in.
One man and his father designed and set up 26 crosses near the church to honor the victims.
“We wanted to be able to show our support for the community and show that even though these evil acts happen all over the world it’s not going to change who America is and what this community is,” said the resident.
A woman who lives down the street from the church said it was a big part of the small community.
“It’s not a big huge expensive church. They all congregate outside and they have little activities for the kids. Very child-oriented church,” she said.
Many residents said they hope the shooting will help make the town even stronger.
The Sutherland Springs incident is the deadliest mass shooting in Texas history.
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