DALLAS – The Big American Total Eclipse may be over, but you can help others around the world by donating your used eclipse viewing glasses. At least two groups collect them, ensure they are still safe – free of major scratches, punctures or tears, and through several programs, pass them along to school children and adults in other countries to view eclipses in their areas. The recycled glasses are sent to others who wouldn’t have resources to purchase them.
Astronomers Without Borders has been sending solar glasses for annular and total solar eclipses around the world for re-use, for almost 20 years. Members of the group load the glasses into suitcases among other methods of moving them around, delivering them to intended recipients; teachers and organizers of public events in Africa, Asia, South America and in North America – wherever the need exists.
Your eclipse glasses can be dropped off at any Warby Parker store nationwide, or mailed directly to Eclipse Glasses USA P.O. Box 50571 Provo, Utah, 84605.
For more information, contact [email protected]