By Kimberly James; WBAP and KLIF, Dallas, Texas.
LAREDO – (WBAP/KLIF) – Texas continues to lead the nation as the number one land port city in the nation, but this year it’s import-export numbers could surpass the entire two-year budget for the state of Texas.
More than five and a half million trucks crossed the border both north and southbound in 2022. Goods shipped through Laredo travel to more than 60 countries.
The big rigs are heading to increasing numbers of huge warehouses being built across the Lone Star State; 18-hundred of them, built just in the past five years.
Port Laredo could be handling 321 billion dollars in trade this year; both imports and exports. As of September of 2023, Port Laredo is credited with handling $241 billion in trade items coming and going.
Helping move the needle; supply chains moving from overseas to points closer such as Mexico.
(Copyright, All Rights Reserved; WBAP/KLIF 2023)