New Polling Focuses on what Texans think about AG Paxton’s Impeachment

(Photo: AG Ken Paxton)

AUSTIN (WBAP/KLIF) – As the Texas Senate considers rules for the upcoming impeachment trial of suspended Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, the UT Texas Politics Project is releasing results related to Paxton’s impeachment from its new poll. The statewide poll was conducted June 2-12 among 1200 registered voters.

When asked directly whether or not they thought Paxton’s impeachment by the Texas House was justified, Texans were divided, though a majority, 50%, said the impeachment was justified. 17% said it was not justified, and a third had no opinion.

According to project Director, Jim Henson, the poll results among key groups reveal sharp divisions among Republicans likely to be courted by stakeholders as Paxton’s fate is decided by the Senate.

According to the poll, Republicans as a group, are almost evenly split. 31% said the impeachment was justified, 30% thought it was not, and the plurality, 39%, expressed no opinion or didn’t know.

Among self-identified conservatives, the shares were similar: 32% thought the impeachment justified, 31% not justified, and 37% expressed no opinion.

“Those who identify as “extremely conservative” were somewhat less likely than Republicans or conservatives overall to think the House’s indictment of Paxton was justified,” Henson said. “Among this group, 26% said the House’s action was justified, while nearly half (46%) said it was unjustified; 28% had no opinion.”

According to Henson, the views of independents reflect both their lower attention to politics as well as their larger skepticism or even aversion to politics evident among independents as a group. 40% thought the impeachment was justified, 15% unjustified, and the plurality, 44%, didn’t express an opinion.

Paxton is accused of misusing his power. He denies the allegations. A Senate impeachment trial is expected to begin before the end of August.

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