DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF) – Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson on Tuesday delivered a mayoral address at the City of Dallas’ 2023 Inauguration Ceremony for the Mayor and City Council. The ceremony was hosted at the Dallas Symphony Orchestra at Meyerson Symphony Center. Mayor Johnson noted in his address that he stood on the same stage as a high school senior and delivered the commencement address for the Greenhill School Class of 1994.
The mayor discussed Dallas as a place of “genuine opportunity for all” and a leader on the national stage.
“As you can see, in four years, we’ve made undeniable progress toward preserving Dallas as a city of dreams,” Mayor Johnson said. “And just last month, Dallas voters reiterated their support for my vision of a Dallas where anybody can achieve anything.”
He also committed to bringing Dallas closer to becoming the safest major city in the United States. He also pledged to make Dallas the major city with the best park system in Texas, and the major city with the lowest tax rate in the North Texas region.
United States Senator John Cornyn administered Mayor Johnson’s oath of office. The mayor’s other distinguished ceremony guests included United States Senator Ted Cruz and former United States Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson.
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