Dade Phelan Re-elected as Texas House Speaker

AUSTIN (WBAP/KLIF) – The Texas Legislature convened for the 88th legislative session on Tuesday. Shortly after gaveling in for the swearing-in ceremony, members of the Texas House of Representatives took the oath of office and elected Representative Dade Phelan to serve as Speaker for a second term.

“It is a privilege to serve as a member of this distinguished body, and I am once again humbled by the opportunity to serve as Speaker of the Texas House,” Speaker Phelan said in his opening day remarks. “As I look out upon this distinguished gathering, I see 149 people – ordinary Texans – who are eager to get to work on extraordinary things. I am grateful to the majority of you who have honored me with your vote, but I am proud to represent all of you as Speaker of the 88th Legislature.”

In his remarks, Speaker Phelan emphasized a few of the chamber’s priorities for the session, including providing lasting, meaningful property tax relief. He also stressed a need for increasing access to and giving patients greater control over their healthcare. Regarding crime, Phelan said he wants to prioritize criminal justice reform, DA accountability, and public safety. Other priorities for Phelan include fighting back against the exploitation, sexualization, and indoctrination of Texas children, making schools safer, and addressing threats at the border.

Speaker Phelan added, “Members, though we may face many challenges this session, there will be even more opportunities. The work is hard, but it is worthwhile. The work is demanding, but it is noble. The work is necessary, and, because we have the privilege of doing it for the people of Texas, I know we will get it done together.”

Speaker Phelan was nominated by Representative Cody Harris of Palestine, with Representatives Angie Chen Button of Richardson, Tracy King of Uvalde, John Lujan of San Antonio, Toni Rose of Dallas and Shelby Slawson of Stephenville providing seconding motions.

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