Texas SOC: Midterm election will be Texas’ ‘most secure & accessible’ ever; others raise concerns [LISTEN]

At least one voting rights advocacy group questions Scott’s roll in challenging 2020 election results in Pennsylvania.

John Scott, Texas Secretary of State/ WFAA

Texas (WBAP/KLIF) – Texas Secretary of State John Scott says that he thinks the midterm election in Texas will be the most secure and accessible that Texas have ever run.

Scott, who was appointed to his current post by Governor Greg Abbott after the 2020 Presidential Election was a guest on WFAA “Inside Texas Politics.” Among other things the Texas secretary of state oversees the state’s elections.

The state SOC website says, “The Secretary of State is the chief election officer for the State of Texas. The Secretary of State’s Elections Division provides assistance and advice to election officials on the proper conduct of elections.

Scott is also a Fort Worth attorney who was part of a challenge of the 2020 election results in Pennsylvania.

The65Project, an advocacy group of lawyers and lay people organized after the 2020 has specifically targeted lawyers who challenged election results.

The group’s managing director, Michael Teter, a lawyer himself, chimes in on the Pennsylvanina challenge saying that there is a distinction between it and others that continued for months.

Teter told the WBAP/KLIF newsroom, “The fact that they withdrew after learning that the law was not on their side should be, while not applauded, but at least recognized as different from the lawyers who continued to pursue their claims without any factual or legal basis.” Teter added that “problematic” when someone seeks to undermines people’s right to vote is in charge of voting and the election process.


Earlier this year The65Project sought to have Texas US Senator Ted Cruz disbarred over his repeated false claims about the US election.

The Texas Bar Association denied the claim saying the it does not believe that Senator Cruz was acting in an official capacity as a lawyer when making false claims about the eletion. The Texas Bar recommended that the group file an ethics complaint with the US Senate.

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(Copyright 2022 WBAP/KLIF 24/7 News. This report contains material from WFAA-TV.)