Dallas County DA John Creuzot Defends Low-Level Theft Policy; Opponent Blasts It

(L-R) Faith Johnson, (Dallas County DA candidate). John Creuzot (Dallas County DA)

Dallas (WBAP/KLIF) – The Republican candidate for Dallas County district attorney says that if elected she would nix a controversial policy implemented by her challenger – incumbent District Attorney John Creuzot.

The former Dallas County district attorney Faith Johnson-who was defeated by Creuzot in 2018 – told WFAA’s ‘Inside Texas Politics‘ that the policy of “not prosecuting thefts between $100 and $750, if it isn’t committed for financial gain” must go and that she’d get rid of it immediately.

Johnson comments of the policy that only applies to food, baby formula and diapers.

“The problem isn’t people just going in there stealing diapers and baby formula. People are going in stealing catalytic converters,” TVs, anything under $750. Johnson also alleges that police are unaware that the policy only applies to those items.

Creuzot meanwhile, continues to defend the policy saying that it is not impacting crime.

“I was called to the state Senate to a committie for this issue and to see what impact it was having on crime. Their statistician told pull out his numbers and told them, “I see no impact on crime.”

Creuzot says his office rejected only 13 such cases out of more than 1,000 last year and he considers it a neutral policy.

The district attorney added that in a political climate it’s easy to say the policy is causing all kinds of problems, but added that he could possible revisit in in the future.

On the subject of prosecuting abortions:

Johnson told the station that women are protected under state law, but not other folks who might be involved, including doctors and family members.

“My understanding of the law is that you cannot prosecute women who cause the death of an unborn child. Now, anybody else who facilitates that, yes, that’s under the law and I would have to prosecute that because I’m committed to abiding by the laws of the state of Texas and of this country.”

(Copyright 2022 WBAP/KLIF 24/7 News. This report contains material from WFAA-TV.)