Texas A&M Forest Service Warns of High Fire Danger Amid Sweltering Temperatures

NORTH TEXAS (WBAP/KLIF News ) – The Texas A & M Forest Service is urging residents to be extra cautious this week as scorching temperatures and drought conditions continue to blanket North Texas.

The region is under an excessive heat warning this week with temperatures hovering near 109 degrees on Monday and hitting 108 on Thursday.

The blistering heat comes as firefighters across the region continue to battle numerous wildfires in parts of Texas and ninety percent of them were started by human error.

The Texas A&M Forest Service’s Adam Turner says we’re in dangerous territory right now.

“It’s a scary moment…wildfires can grow quite rapidly. So that one spark…that one careless mistake happens and then you’re looking at threatening a hundred of acres of people’s property, people’s homes and sometimes people’s lives,” he said.

Turner is reminding residents that many fire departments are spread thin due to an extremely busy fire season.

“Many firefighters in North Texas are volunteers. These are men and women who are taking time off their work to go out and fight fires and they’re likely having some difficulties…with the cost of fuel increasing and things like that. They’ve been running fires since earlier this past year,” he said.

The Service is urging people to avoid outdoor burning and engaging in any behavior that could cause a spark.

Most North and Central Texas counties are under burn bans.

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