Texas (WBAP/KLIF) – The Electric Reliability Council of Texas {ERCOT) is asking Texans to voluntarily conserve power today amid continued triple digit heat.
Officials expect another all time peak demand on the grid today between 2pm through 8pm. The asks that you turn off your pools; turn up your thermostats and do not run your dryer during those hours
The appeal comes as ERCOT reached an all-time demand record on Friday of 78,418 megawatts. ERCOT also issued a watch for a “Projected Reserve Capacity Shortage” between that time though it does not anticipate system-wide outages.
Click here for live Texas grid condition.
An ERCOT spokesman told the WBAP/KLIF newsroom this morning that the agency expects the grid to hit an all time record for electricity use today, with projections at 80,000 megawatts.
At issue is “record demand combined with low wind generation output; the goal is to protect the grid’s reserve buffer.”
When ERCOT issues requests to conserve energy, people appear to be paying closer attention. Dr. Wei-Jen Lee is an electrical engineering professor at the University of Texas at Arlington and says, at the same time, ERCOT is being more pro-active because it cannot afford a repeat of a partial grid failure like the state saw in February, 2021.
“They cannot afford to have another blackout. That would lose the trust of the Texas residents,” Dr. Lee said.
Meantime, MedStar, Tarrant County’s ambulance service is expressing concern about ERCOT’S voluntary conservation order. Spokesman Matt Zavadsky says prolonged exposure to warm temperatures while indoors, such as turning down ac’s can trigger heat stroke. The concern comes amid a record number of heat-related emergencies the agency has responded to so far this season, between May 1 and July 10, that’s twice as many as this time last year.
MedStar advises everyone to stay hydrated during the extreme heat.
MedStar also explains the difference between heat stroke and heat exhaustion as detailed below:
Heat Exhaustion Symptoms and Treatments
Often caused by exposure to hot weather or participation in physical exercise, those who are suffering from heat exhaustion may experience the following symptoms:
- Feeling faint or dizzy
- Excessive sweating
- Nausea or vomiting
- Pale, cool, clammy skin
- Weak, rapid pulse
- Muscle cramping
You will need to move a person suffering from heat exhaustion to somewhere cool, with air conditioning, as quickly as possible. Have them drink water if they are fully conscious, but avoid alcohol or beverages with caffeine. If they are able, have them take a cool shower or use cold compresses to lower their body temperature. Consult a doctor if they do not feel better within 30 minutes, or if they vomit more than once.
Heat Stroke Symptoms and Treatments
While you can often treat someone with heat exhaustion at home, heat stroke is considered a severe medical emergency and is characterized by the following symptoms:
- No sweating
- Throbbing headache
- Red, hot skin
- Body temperature above 103 degrees
- Rapid, strong pulse
- Loss of consciousness or altered mental state
If you think someone is exhibiting symptoms of a heat stroke, you should call 911 or get them to a hospital immediately, as a failure to do so can be fatal. In the interim – either before help arrives or while you are in transit – move the individual to a cool, air-conditioned environment.
(Copyright 2022 WBAP/KLIF 24/7 News.)