Local transportation agencies are lifting mask requirements.
In the wake of the Transportation Security Administration decision to no longer enforce the Security Directives and Emergency Amendment requiring a face mask be worn over the mouth and nose on public transportation and transportation hubs, Dallas Area Rapid Transit said Tuesday that it will no longer require that a face mask be worn by passengers and operators while onboard DART vehicles or at DART facilities.
“DART remains committed to providing a safe environment for both our passengers and employees,” the agency said in a statement. “Face masks and hand sanitizer dispensers will remain in place and available on all buses, light rail vehicles, TRE vehicles and Dallas streetcars, for anyone who chooses to continue to wear a face mask for additional safety.”
DART said it continues to undertake aggressive agency-wide cleaning and safety protocols on buses, light rail, paratransit vehicles and properties.
The Denton County Transportation Authority also said on Tuesday that it will no longer require passengers or operators wear face coverings on vehicles or in facilities.
“We appreciate the public’s patience over the past two years as we have navigated through the COVID-19 pandemic,” Paul Cristina, DCTA Interim CEO said. “DCTA is committed to the health and safety of our passengers and we look forward to continue serving you.”
DCTA is also reopening the Downtown Denton Transit Center to the public. The building will be open from 7 am to 6 pm Monday through Friday beginning April 25.
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