NORTH TEXAS (WBAP/KLIF News) – In correlation with the start of National Consumer Protection Week, the Better Business Bureau released its 2021 Scam Tracker Risk Report.
According to data, the top scam reported by consumers last year dealt with online purchases for the second year in a row.
More Americans are shopping online, leaving millions of consumer at risk of becoming a target regardless of the age demographic.
The report shows the four riskiest scams behind online shopping involved cryptocurrency, employment, home improvement and investment.
When it came to cryptocurrency, consumers lost an average of $1,200 with 66.2% of respondents admitting to having fallen victim to a scam.
Although most of the list deals with consumers, businesses were not immune to becoming targets.
The report shows that Amazon has become the most impersonated brand by scammers followed by the Social Security Administration, Publishers Clearing House, PayPal and Medicare.
Click here to read the full report.
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