Lawyers for Oath Keepers Leader Again Request his Release from Jail; Decision Expected Friday

Washington, DC (WBAP/KLIF) – A federal judge in Washington, DC will decide on Friday whether to allow Stewart Rhodes out of jail until is trial. Rhodes of Granbury is among several people charged with seditious conspiracy in connection with the riot at the US Capitol Riot last year.

During a hearing Wednesday lawyers for Rhodes did not contest the government’s finding that he rallied his miltia group to Washington on January 6, or that he stockpiled weapons in nearby Virginia.

They argued that Rhodes simply prepared to answer a “call to arms” by President Trump– which never happened.

According to a court filing, they say that there is “no compelling or legal reason” to detain Rhodes and that his actions on Jan 6 are “not criminal, not extreme and not serious.”

Meantime, Rhodes’ lawyers also revealed in court Wednesday that he told congressional investigators earlier this month that he still considers the 2020 election “illegitimate,” according to Politico.

He added that his belief shouldn’t count against his client since lots of Republicans say the same thing.

Late last month, a federal judge in Plano denied Rhodes’ request to be released.

(Copyright 2022 WBAP/KLIF. All rights reserved. Information in the contains material from Politico.)