Dallas City Council Moves Forward with Plans for New Convention Center

DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF) – The City of Dallas, on Wednesday, approved plans to move forward with the construction of a new convention center in the same location where the current one stands.

The Dallas City Council voted 14 to 1 to approve a $2 billion proposal for a convention center to replace the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center.

Councilman Omar Narvaez said a new facility is a necessity in attracting big events to the city.

“This isn’t about just a building,” said Narvaez. “A building that we are literally holding together with band aids, paper clips, and diapers.

The “no” vote came from Councilwoman Cara Mendelsohn, who believes the process is being rushed.

While there are still plenty of specifics to figure out, the plan to rebuild moves forward with council approval.

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