Dallas Police Officers Question District Attorney’s Call for Evidence in 2020 Protests

DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF) – Dallas Police Officers are taking issue with the District Attorney’s renewed request for the public’s help regarding potential misconduct by police during protests in the summer of 2020.

Dallas County District Attorney John Creuzot is again asking for photos and video from witnesses as he builds evidence to potentially charge officers who allegedly illegally fired non-lethal weapons during May 30th protests on Ervay Street in Downtown Dallas.

“[Creuzot] hasn’t tried one individual that trashed and burned all those squad cars,” said Dallas Police Association President, Mike Mata. “But yet we’re going to go headhunting for Police Officers.”

Mata is concerned Creuzot may be trying to appease critics by going after Police.

“That seems to be the parameter of if you are doing a good job as D.A.” Mata said.

D.A. Creuzot said his office will continue to work with DPD on a collaborative basis. The statue of limitations runs out on May 30th of this year.

“If somebody injured a police officer and knocked his or her eye out, we would handle it the same way,” said Creuzot. “I’m sure Mr. Mata would agree we should use every investigative tool all the way up to the statute of limitations.”

Creuzot said he will exercise due diligence until his office has either filed a case or until the statute of limitations has been reached.

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