Dallas Police Aim to Re-frame Relationship with Youth

(Photo: DPD)

DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF) – A Dallas based group that aims to improve the relationship between police and the community is launching a new initiative with the Dallas Police Department.

Dallas police officers visited John Neely Bryan Elementary School on Monday, where they read and gave free books to the students.

“We know that this is such an important element for [the students] to have this positive interaction with Officers in uniform,” said Safer Dallas Better Dallas Executive Director, Courtney Underwood. “We also want to do everything we can to give these kiddos the best education that they can have, and that they deserve.”

Chief Eddie Garcia stressed the importance of community engagement.

“We do an amazing job at taking the criminal element off the street,” said Chief Garcia. “But at the same time, our community needs to see that these Officers truly care. They truly care about this city, and they truly care about our victims, they truly care about children.”

Additional events are planned for the future.

Listen to Clayton Neville’s story below:

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