PLANO (WBAP/KLIF) – A man was hospitalized Sunday after Police said her opened fire inside Plano Police Headquarters.
According to Police, Officers responded to a Meet Complainant incident in front of the Plano Police Department Headquarters on 14th Street. The incident described a male, wearing a black shirt and mask, who was behaving erratically.
Police said prior to officers arrival, the male entered the lobby of the Police Department twice; upon entering the lobby the second time, he displayed a handgun. He then raised his handgun and fired in the direction of a civilian police employee who was assisting a citizen in the lobby. The civilian employee and visitor both took shelter in a secure room off the lobby of the Police Department. At that time, two police officers responded from inside the building and engaged the suspect. The suspect was shot and transported by Plano Fire Rescue; his current status is unknown.
Plano PD said late Sunday that no police employees or visitors, other than the suspect, were injured during this incident.
“What could have been a horrific tragedy was avoided, thanks to the swift and effective action of our Plano police officers,” said Plano Mayor, John Muns. “Chief Drain reports a man walked into our police headquarters building and fired a handgun. I applaud the response of the officers who responded who stopped a dangerous situation from taking a deadly turn. that could have taken a turn for the worse, if not for their response.”
It’s believed the shooting could be linked to a Garland murder.
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