DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF) – A Republican led group is calling for accountability within the Republican party.

“It’s a Republican leaning group who is really looking to get back to a form of more conservatism, normalcy, traditional values of what I would say was the former Republican party, not the Trumpism party that we are seeing today,” Republican Accountability Project, Co-Director, Olivia Troye said.
The Republican Accountability Project has posted billboards across North Texas targeting Senator Ted Cruz and Congressman Louie Gohmert for objecting to electoral college votes that it says helped incite last month’s violent breach of the U.S. Capitol building. The group is also targeting other Republicans who touted unproven claims of fraud in the Presidential election.
“I think it’s important for these people to either resign, or they could acknowledge that it was all a lie,” Troye said.
Both Cruz and Gohmert have denounced the violence at the Capitol. But, the RAP has purchased ad space on five billboards in the Dallas Fort Worth area calling on Senator Cruz to resign. The billboards directed at Gohmert are in his Congressional district near Tyler.
Listen to Clayton Neville’s story below:
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