TCU Faculty Senate Retracts Resolution Calling for Congressman to be Removed from University Board of Trustees

FORT WORTH (WBAP/KLIF) – The Faculty Senate at TCU is retracting its resolution to have Congressman Roger Williams removed from the University’s board of trustees.

The resolution had stated that the Congressman subjected the school to ridicule by objecting to electoral college votes and touting unproven claims of election fraud in the presidential election.

Congressman Williams said that it sounds to him like the Faculty Senate isn’t able to accept a difference in opinion.

“If you don’t agree with them, they want retaliation,” Williams insisted.

According to Faculty Senate Chairman, Sean Atkinson, he retracted the resolution after learning the board is considering disallowing elected officials from serving on the Board. He says the measure will be voted on in April. Below is a letter sent from Atkinson to the Faculty Senate:

Dear Faculty,

I write today with an update concerning the resolution that asks the Board of Trustees to remove Rep. Roger Williams.

It has come to my attention that prior to the issuance of the Senate resolution, the Board of Trustees was actively considering an amendment to the By-Laws of the University that would prohibit elected officials from serving on the Board. Since the result of this change, if approved by the Board in April, would prevent Rep. Williams from serving as a member of the Board, I am at this time retracting the Senate resolution seeking his removal. Further information concerning the by-law change will be discussed at the Senate meeting on February 4.

Thank you, and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Listen to Clayton Neville’s story below:

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